Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunny's 1st birthday

Wow. Time flies by so fast! Sunny's already 1! I did a "Sunny" (yellow) themed birthday party for him. A lot of yellows, oranges, greens, and reds. Of course the cake topper is Tigger, Sunny the happy tiger :).
The cake was a peach sponge cake I made from scratch. It was very very yummy!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Poor eater and milk drinker

Oh Sunny... What's momma going to do with you? You won't drink milk, you won't drink formula, and I've got no more breast milk.

Yesterday I ran around town trying to find some sort of alternative to cow's milk for Sunny. I wanted to get goats milk, but the doc said that it has to be folic acid fortified. Unfortunately I only found 1 brand and it's not fortified. I did find something called Kefir, so I looked it up. It's supposed to be super healthy but it's like yogurt and it may cause constipation. Sunny has constipation problems too. As long as he doesn't eat any "BRATY" he's fine. He ate his Kefir ok, not super well. Refused milk though.

I also read online that introducing cow's milk to baby too young can cause them to be anemic. And Sunny might be folic acid anemic. And because he doesn't drink milk, he wakes up hungry at night. Oh what am I going to do!

So I talked to the pediatrician and he recommended us to go see a specialist.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How to raise many kids...

Whenever I tell someone that I want 4 kids, their first reaction is always: wow, you're crazy.
But really, I think the key is to train your kids to be independent. Train them as young as possible to take care of themselves (and they want to). 

I love dancing with mommy!

Potty & brushing teeth at the same time
while mommy gets ready in the morning.

And I get distracted by the toys...

Yummy and messy nectarine!
Yes, I like to feed myself.

like father like son

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sunny is finally a real human being...

You know what I mean... he's acting more like a real person than a sleep-poop-eat baby.  When people see him eat, they're like "Oh, he can eat human food now?" like Sunny used to eat dog food or something... So far he's got 5 teeth, but the top two looks a little crooked...?

He's so active and wants to get into everything now... I gave him a laptop shell to play with. He keeps wanting to get to my laptop... this video was taken from my laptop. Look, he's like "I'm done with fake ones. I want mommy's real laptop!"

Monday, May 30, 2011

Who loves swimming???

Took Sunny to Austin this weekend to visit his cousins. Technically he has to call them auntie and uncle, and one of them is even younger than Sunny. They had so much fun! Sunny swam for the first time! He absolutely loved it!!

After swimming, we hung out at granduncle's place with a lot of kids. boy it was loud! 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Milk Bank

I received a certificate from the Mother's Milk Bank for donating breastmilk. 855 ounces = 6.67 gallons! I wish they were down my son's stomach though, but he's just a poor eater...

Friday, May 20, 2011

a visit to a friend's house

Brought Sunny to visit a friend. Her son loves to play with Sunny. I'm glad Sunny has a friend, but Sunny seems to like to grab his face...

Monday, May 16, 2011


Finally found out what Sunny has. 4 days of fever followed by a rash. He's got Roseola. :(
poor baby

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Sunny has a fever

He's been running a fever all day yesterday. I'm taking him to the doc now. He wouldn't drink his milk so I'm giving him cereal for breakfast.

And he's eating all by himself! Peas, carrots, quinoa, and chicken! yay!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

note to self...

Sunny has constipation. No wonder. I've been giving him applesauce with yogurt... :( time to go shopping for some foods

Foods to avoid:

Foods to give him:
apple juice

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bluebonnet Festival trip photos

Took the ESL students out on a field trip yesterday to see bluebonnets and take pictures.  Sunny looked great!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sunshine Sunny!

Lately, Sunny's been full of HUGE smiles!!! I often wonder what we did to deserve such a happy baby. I mean, everybody who's seen him says his so happy... hahaha. I Love my baby. I wonder if the next one will be completely opposite. I hope not. I bet Sunny's so happy because of his happy name.  Help me think of a happy name for the next few!
So many people said he should be on TV because he smiles so much and he's so cute!

This lady can make me laugh so hard
using an empty bottle!!!

cool! these balls match my clothes!

This is when I get tired on my belly.
I do the airplane!

oh! I just absolutely love noodles.
I love sucking them in! Can't chew yet.
Just swallow.

uh-oh. Mommy's driving.
I better hold on
After my favorite class at the library!
ooooh! Bubbles.....

Great Pic! Should blow it up and put it on the wall!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wow Sunny can do so much!

and he just loooves to laugh! Everybody who sees him says he's such a happy baby. Nothing makes a mother more happy than a happy baby. I love my baby.

He's starting to crawl!

Sunny won't sleep... @midnight he's still blowing raspberries

Who loves bath time?? SUNYY! Boy he just loves it so much!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

two bottom teeth

I can't believe how much his looks has changed! But he still loves to laugh!

Sunny has 2 bottom teeth! And he's in his new convertible car seat. Boy this one is very complicated!