Friday, July 30, 2010

Sunny, Mommy & Daddy are so proud of you!

Born 9:00 pm, 7/29/2010, 5 lbs 7 oz

Gosh, I labored for 28 hours, and finally succumbed to C-section. Stuck at 5cm and was not dilating anymore... But throughout the whole time, Sunny's heart rate was extremely good.  Finally at 9pm, the doc said the labor wasn't going anywhere and we went into the OR. So much for wanting a natural non-medicated delivery... I had a few panic attacks, and within the hour, Sunny was out!

At first we were told that he would have to go straight to NICU because he is premature, at 34 weeks and 6 days, but after evaluation, he passed the APGAR with flying colors!! 8 or 9 out of 10!! And he was breathing and crying very well! Just a tad skinny, but not small compared to the average, weighing at 5 lbs 7 oz, measuring 19 inches!! 

Right now he's very calm, doesn't fuss at all. But could do better with eating. Showing slight Jaundice, but not severe. I'm trying my best to feed him as much as I can... 

Daddy is really proud of Sunny!
Me on the other hand... the pain of incision is not too bad, just sore,  but I'm still not allowed to eat solid foods, and it's been 2 days since I ate :(. I'm starving and I'm sooooo sleepy! Catching only an hour here or there between feedings if I'm lucky.  I'm even dosing off as I feed Sunny, and he would slip off the nipple *_*.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Great. My water broke at 4:15 this afternoon. I was just laying in bed, just woke up from a nap, and my water broke. This morning I was just telling Sunny that we have only 3 more days to go til August, til he reaches near term, but he can't even wait that long.

So I called Allen to rush home to take me to the hospital. We hadn't even packed and I was having a panic attack! Poor daddy, he hurt his ankle too, but had to rush me home to take me to the hospital...

Anyway, so Sunny is going to be a premature baby (by 2 days), they'll most likely take him to NICU after delivery.. my poor baby...

Here's poor tired daddy, already tired out before Sunny is even here...

We arrived the hospital at around 6pm, was dilated 3cm, but at 11pm, I was still at 3cm, so they had to give me pitocin. So much for natural non-medicated child birth... Nothing has gone as planned.  Can't do water birth because my water broke and the baby is premature. 

And I'm so hungry but I can't eat anything solid... AND I'm sitting on a pile of wetness, with amniotic fluid constantly trickling out. Ugh. 

Right now is almost 1 am. Contractions are still not very regular... but may be that's because I'm chatting on the computer and blogging, I'm not keeping track. At least the monitor is. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Weight: 205 lbs (Gained 15 lbs so far)
Baby Movement: Baby's kicking up to the ribs now, constantly moving, very uncomfortable
Sleep: 2~4 hour periods
Eat: lots of fruit, juice, and 2 meals a day of regular food
Condition: hip pain from laying down (especially on the left side), Braxton Hicks early morning and late night, heartburn, reflux that's burning my esophagus,

Monday, July 26, 2010

Craving wontons

I've been craving wontons for a while now, and I finally got to make these Shanghai wontons my mom used to make. It didn't turned out the same, b/c I just can't remember her recipe, but still good nonetheless...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

What Have I Been Doing...

What do I do all day long by myself? CRAFTS!! on the bed of course...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Jaunt Travel System

Allen's work friend person gave us this travel system! so cute!

Saving $$

I'm so happy I started shopping for baby stuff early.  I've been buying them second hand and saved a lot of money.  Here's are some of the items that I've gotten a really good deal on:

7 Born Free BPA free baby bottles - $10 ($35 new)
Avent Bottle Warmer - $10 ($40 new)
Phillips Bottle Steam Sterilizer - $25 ($63 new)
Car Bottle Warmer - $1.50 ($30 new)
Rainforest Gym - $8 ($33 new)
200+ baby boy clothes & 20+ pairs of shoes - $15
Maternity Belt - $5 ($66 new)
Maternity Clothes - $1~$3 a piece
Dutailier Glider - $125 ($600+ new)
Changing Table w/ pad and 2 covers - $15
Graco Highchair - $20 ($90+ new)
Moby Wrap - $12.50 ($40 new)
Rainforest Bathtub - $8 ($29 new)
Boppy Pillow - $4 ($20 new)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Natural birth, Water birth

So I just watched a documentary by Ricki Lake, called "The Business of Being Born"

It has a lot of information and gave me reasons for my choice for an all natural birth. Ricki did this documentary with Abby Epstein who became pregnant while doing this documentary. Here are some pics:

Whenever I tell people that I'm going all natural without any medication, I always get a weird look and a "why?"  I really didn't know except just that natural is better. But after watching this documentary, I am convinced that this is the right decision!

So, what happens during birth is that the hospital gives you Epidural to help with pain, but it slows down labor and makes contractions weaker. So they give you Pitocin to help speed up labor, then when that is administered, you might feel more pain, then they give you more Epidural, and then more Pitocin, etc. As a result, if the baby still doesn't come, you might end up with interventions such as forceps, vacuum extraction, or C-section! And this is according to the American Pregnancy Association.

So Epidural should be the last resort, not the first choice!

Moreover, Pitocin is a synthetic form of Oxytocin, which is a natural hormone produced by a woman's body to facilitate birth.  Here are some differences between Pitocin and Oxytocin (from

Pitocin is released differently. 
Oxytocin is released into your body in a pulsing action. It comes intermittently to allow your body a break. Pitocin is given in an IV in a continuous manner. This can cause contractions to be longer and stronger than your baby or placenta can handle, depriving your baby of oxygen.
Pitocin prevents your body from offering endorphins. 
When you are in labor naturally, your body responds to the contractions and oxytocin with the release of endorphins, a morphine like substance that helps prevent and counteract pain. When you receive Pitocin, your body does not know to release the endorphins, despite the fact that you are in pain.
Pitocin isn't as effective at dilating the cervix. 
When the baby releases oxytocin it works really well on the uterine muscle, causing the cervix to dilate. Pitocin works much more slowly and with less effect, meaning it takes more Pitocin to work.
Pitocin lacks a peak at birth. 
In natural labor, the body provides a spike in oxytocin at the birth, stimulating the fetal ejection reflex, allowing for a faster and easier birth. Pitocin is regulated by a pump and not able to offer this boost at the end.
Pitocin can interfere with bonding. 
When the body releases oxytocin, also known as the love hormone, it promotes bonding with the baby after birth. Pitocin interferes with the internal release of oxytocin, which can disturb the bonding process.

The last fact really hit me. I remember my mom told me, she had a c-section (by choice) when she gave birth to me.  She said she didn't feel anything and when she saw me again a few days later, she was like "Ew, that wrinkly thing is my baby?" She said she didn't feel like I was her baby. My mom couldn't breast feed either. Abby Epstein also ended up with a c-section, and her reaction and result was the same.  I really want to feel the mother-nature's innate reaction of wanting to love and protect the baby, after all the difficulties of labor, it's the least I should get in return, right?

And the documentary also mentioned that many women, after seeing the painful expressions of labor on TV, are convinced that they can't or don't want to go through the pain.  But I keep telling myself, how many women since caveman time have delivered babies without any medication?

Also, I've chosen to do water birth

And here are the benefits:

  • Less shock for the baby, since he's going from placenta water to pool water.
  • Being in water helps with the pain of labor
  • Softens the skin on the vagina opening to prevent tearing (no need for episiotomy)
  • Delays the nurse from taking the baby and allows time for the rest of the 30% of the blood to pass from the placenta to the baby
  • And hopefully, Allen will be able to catch Sunny!! I really look forward to this!
We bought our pool and the accessories, came in the mail almost a week ago!  And we'll also have a Doula, an assistant who provides non-medical and non-midwifery support (physical and emotional) in childbirth, and she's also a professional photographer.

I think we're ready.

Daddy's coming back today


And he's going to bring me Taro milk tea with pudding!! yay! I can't wait! Been craving it but I can't go and get it.

Count down: 10 more days til baby shower, and 11 more days til the baby can come, Aug 1st, when insurance starts! yay!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I can't eat... I can't sleep... and I'm hot!!

Ugh, eating has been very hard. Yesterday I wasn't hungry at all, but had to force myself to eat. Been having a lot of reflux, and it's burning my esophagus. So here's my breakfast, but I think it'll last til lunch.  There's 1/2 a cantaloupe, a small nectarine, a banana, a nutella sandwich, and a chicken salad

I did finish the cantaloupe, the nectarine, and the sandwich, a few bites of the chicken salad, and now I feel nauseated. 

And my sleep schedule is completely thrown off now. The baby moves and kicks from about midnight til 4 am (off and on). And when I'm laying on my side, his elbow/foot or something moves on my waist area, and it is really uncomfortable. It's so hard to sleep... so I'd nap all day to catch up on some sleep... ugh, so tired.

Monday, July 19, 2010

awww, so cute!

So, I learned, this is called a "lovey".  Aunt Sandy sent a box of baby stuff for Sunny and they are soooo cute!
At first I had no idea what this was, and my friend told me it's a little blankie for the newborn baby.  Now the question is... how do I use it?  :D I think Sunny would like the rattling elephant head.  I can see him chewing and drooling over it already haha.

Here's a really cute monkey outfit. :D

Saturday, July 17, 2010


I came home today.  It's more comfortable at home. Lots of thanks to those who cooked and brought food over for me.  I have enough food to last me a whole week (and may be more)!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cloth Diapers that I plan on using

There are so many types of cloth diapers nowadays.  When I tell someone I'm using cloth diapers, I get the strangest reactions! But cloth diapering is not the same as back then. Check this out!

BumGenius All-in-One
I got 14 of these for newborn.  These are shaped just like the disposables, but they're cloth.  Aren't they cute?


I got 24 of these.  They're suppose to be very good newborn diapers because of the texture.  They would need a separate waterproof cover though.

Gdiaper Hybrid 
These are better diapers for toddlers, not newborns, because they're not as absorbent as the kissaluvs.  There's an outer cloth part, and the inside is nylon waterproof liner which can be rinsed and wiped dry. Then the cool thing is, inside that, you can use either cloth or flushable lining.  So if we need to go out, instead of using cloth, we can just use the flushable.  I found someone selling their extra flushable linings for really really cheap, and they had 10 huge boxes! We bought them all :).


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Allen's leaving for Vegas for a week

This whole week Allen's been so tired! He got up at 6 in the morning to cook for me, and then leave all the food next to the bed for me, then goes to work.  When he comes back, he cooks again and brings food up for me, cleans up, does dishes, laundry, and all that, and doesn't get to go to sleep til midnight.  Love him. Amazing guy.

So Allen has to travel to CA and Vegas for a show.  I'm staying at MIL's while he's gone.

What have I been doing to keep my days going.... audiobooks!


Monday, July 12, 2010

Baby clothes

A few months ago, I bought 300~400 pieces of used clothing (0~12 months) plus 20~30 pairs of shoes for $15!!! Most of them are still in really good condition and really cute!  So several days ago, I set 1/2 of the clothes out in the sun to sanitize them, and then wash them. Here's a pic of only 1/2 of what I bought:

Here's some newborn cloth diapers I got. These are bumGenius.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Some Pictures

How exciting.  I actually already knew I was pregnant b/c of the body changes, but had to prove it.

Week 6

Week 15

Week 21

Week 33

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

32 weeks... Uh oh, baby's coming!

So, blogging is outdated... but this is the only way to keep my sanity check while I stay home in bed...

Well, so, after a 4 day weekend off from work, I went in yesterday excited to get back to work.  While we were at the Plano rec. center, around 3 something in the afternoon, I went to the bathroom and noticed that I had been bleeding.  Freaked me out... so I called the nurse and she told me that I have to go in to the hospital immediately.  Picked up Allen at work, then he took me downtown to the labor and delivery ward, arrived around 5 pm or so.

It turned out that I had a cervical polyp that ruptured.  But! The doctor also found out that I was effaced 50%! A sign of labor! Uh, I still have 8 weeks to go, the baby can't come yet. So the doc ordered bed rest.

"The only place you should be right now is bed, couch, and bathroom" he said.

Otherwise, the baby could arrive anytime this week. Now that's scary! Thank God my boss is letting me stay home and keep my job, so I'm going to be in bed til the baby arrives.  There's still so much to do and I can't do anything AH!