Friday, July 30, 2010

Sunny, Mommy & Daddy are so proud of you!

Born 9:00 pm, 7/29/2010, 5 lbs 7 oz

Gosh, I labored for 28 hours, and finally succumbed to C-section. Stuck at 5cm and was not dilating anymore... But throughout the whole time, Sunny's heart rate was extremely good.  Finally at 9pm, the doc said the labor wasn't going anywhere and we went into the OR. So much for wanting a natural non-medicated delivery... I had a few panic attacks, and within the hour, Sunny was out!

At first we were told that he would have to go straight to NICU because he is premature, at 34 weeks and 6 days, but after evaluation, he passed the APGAR with flying colors!! 8 or 9 out of 10!! And he was breathing and crying very well! Just a tad skinny, but not small compared to the average, weighing at 5 lbs 7 oz, measuring 19 inches!! 

Right now he's very calm, doesn't fuss at all. But could do better with eating. Showing slight Jaundice, but not severe. I'm trying my best to feed him as much as I can... 

Daddy is really proud of Sunny!
Me on the other hand... the pain of incision is not too bad, just sore,  but I'm still not allowed to eat solid foods, and it's been 2 days since I ate :(. I'm starving and I'm sooooo sleepy! Catching only an hour here or there between feedings if I'm lucky.  I'm even dosing off as I feed Sunny, and he would slip off the nipple *_*.

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