Thursday, July 29, 2010


Great. My water broke at 4:15 this afternoon. I was just laying in bed, just woke up from a nap, and my water broke. This morning I was just telling Sunny that we have only 3 more days to go til August, til he reaches near term, but he can't even wait that long.

So I called Allen to rush home to take me to the hospital. We hadn't even packed and I was having a panic attack! Poor daddy, he hurt his ankle too, but had to rush me home to take me to the hospital...

Anyway, so Sunny is going to be a premature baby (by 2 days), they'll most likely take him to NICU after delivery.. my poor baby...

Here's poor tired daddy, already tired out before Sunny is even here...

We arrived the hospital at around 6pm, was dilated 3cm, but at 11pm, I was still at 3cm, so they had to give me pitocin. So much for natural non-medicated child birth... Nothing has gone as planned.  Can't do water birth because my water broke and the baby is premature. 

And I'm so hungry but I can't eat anything solid... AND I'm sitting on a pile of wetness, with amniotic fluid constantly trickling out. Ugh. 

Right now is almost 1 am. Contractions are still not very regular... but may be that's because I'm chatting on the computer and blogging, I'm not keeping track. At least the monitor is. 

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