Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cloth Diapers that I plan on using

There are so many types of cloth diapers nowadays.  When I tell someone I'm using cloth diapers, I get the strangest reactions! But cloth diapering is not the same as back then. Check this out!

BumGenius All-in-One
I got 14 of these for newborn.  These are shaped just like the disposables, but they're cloth.  Aren't they cute?


I got 24 of these.  They're suppose to be very good newborn diapers because of the texture.  They would need a separate waterproof cover though.

Gdiaper Hybrid 
These are better diapers for toddlers, not newborns, because they're not as absorbent as the kissaluvs.  There's an outer cloth part, and the inside is nylon waterproof liner which can be rinsed and wiped dry. Then the cool thing is, inside that, you can use either cloth or flushable lining.  So if we need to go out, instead of using cloth, we can just use the flushable.  I found someone selling their extra flushable linings for really really cheap, and they had 10 huge boxes! We bought them all :).


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